Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Puppy’s day at the VET!

These pictures were taken in the waiting room for the vet. They were before the treatments. My dog was the first runner up to receive his shots. They messed his up on the right arm because he didn’t have a good vein (but the vein was working and circulated, nothing wrong with it). So it was both the vets fault and my dogs fault because my dog was very stingy but the vet did the wrong arm. I will not say the name of the vet or the company because I don’t want to give them a bad name, however they will be moving the business soon. So I will conclude this post with saying this, I hope everything was done right and with successful results.

Pictues to come soon. My mom lost the adapotor to transfer the picture, but hopefully we'll find it soon.


Anonymous said...

i found the adapter!

Stepheny said...

My Nana's cat HATE's going there!


Stepheny said...

Well, where's the pictures????! lol:)


Stepheny said...

KYLE??? Have you fell off the face of the earth?! lol:) I was just letting you know that I didn't. :)You haven't been by my blog lately....

See ya later!

Stepheny said...

I have tagged you Kyle!


Stepheny said...

Just Sayin' HI! And that I haven't forgot about your blog! :)

Have a great day!


Stepheny said...

Oh No! I just realized that I am the only one that has been leaving comments! I feel really stupid! LOL:)

If you don't want me to comment on here anymore I won't! :) Juat let me know...
