Sunday, March 1, 2009

My grown up dog.

This is a picture of my chihuahua. I love him so much! My mom and grandmother bot me his dad years ago. Then someone wanted another one. (I think it was me.) So, they bot a female one, (the same breed) the two dogs ended up having a litter of six puppy chihuahuas!!! Three looked like mom and three, dad. The dad got aggressive and was given away. We sold all the pups to a few people in the company called "Meals on Wheels". The last puppy (female) was sold after two years, about year ago. I was given the smallest one as a birthday present. That's the story. (We never intended to breed them, either! lol!)


Rachel said...

Dogs are so much fun. :) I think they understand you as well. :) My family and I don't have a dog, but we have three pet hens. And one of them (Buff) sometimes comes to me and playfully pecks at my jeans. She is very sweet.

Cute background, too, by the way!

God bless, dear sister!

In Him Alone,
Rachel M.

Stepheny said...

hi Kyle!

Cute Dog. I want a dog... but my Dad is allergic to them. I love Labs and Golden Retrivers!

