Monday, September 29, 2008

Talk about a "Haunted House"!!!

Man, talk about a "Haunted House"!!! This place is scary with spirits, and crawling with ghosts!!!! This is the view of the house right accross from my school. Yikes, all they need is a cobweb to complete the scene. It may not look or sound scary now... but you just wait until dusk when the fog erupts from the ground along with a zombie or two and you'de think it was made by Steven King! Anyway... Happy Halloween to all those "Trick-orTreater's" out there! Beware for the "Spirit of Halloween"....Boo! Muahahahahah!!!!!!!!

(pictures to come soon)


Stepheny said...

Very funny Kyle!

I enjoyed the new post!


Stepheny said...

Just sorry that I have to wait another month for another post! :) lol

Have you seen my posts and new blog?

have a good night!


Stepheny said...

Hey- you haven't commented on my blog for awhile! :)

Hope everything is going well!
